Finally three little Bad Bears have finally made it onto the Plum Pudding shop! I am really happy with the way they have turned out and am looking forward to seeing what response they receive. There will be 10 all together so more to come in a few days time . . .
On another note, I have finally left the security, and monotony, of full-time work (jump up and down and shout whoo hoo!) and am now working with my lovely husband, at home, on our graphic design business! We are called fusion design and if you are interested in having a look here's our website. Emphasis is on marketing/networking at the moment to get more clients.
It's great to look out the studio window and check out the birds helping themselves to the peanuts in the bird feeder, or go for a little walk around the village at lunch time. I will miss the action and shopping of working in the city, but have really had enough of all that for the time being and I'm sure I will appreciate going into town occassionally with a purpose in mind!